So here we are: still in Spain, still in Madrid, still in quarantine. The 15th will make 2 full months, but it looks like things may be easing up a little. First, let me explain the rules of our lockdown, if I haven't already:
We are only allowed out for trips to the supermarket, pharmacy, bank, and doctor's office. That's it. NO exceptions. And it's amazing that no matter how many times I say "no exceptions", people still asked: "Not even for an hour?" "Not even for exercise?" "Not even to take a walk?" "Not even for fresh air?" No, not even for (insert thing here). NO. EXCEPTIONS. It's been interesting how many times people told me to "Just take a walk." when I expressed a desire to go somewhere or said that I was getting a little tired of staying inside. It's like people can't understand the concept of lockdown. Or that we face a
heavy fine if we were caught outside for no reason. When I leave the house, I carry my ID card
and my registration that shows that I live at my current place - because there's a different address on my ID. Yes, if you have a different address on your ID you have to prove that you live where you say you do. If the police stop you and you say "Oh, I'm going to the market/pharmacy/bank/doctor, you have to show a receipt for what you bought. If you're going to the doctor, you must show proof of an appointment, etc. They will check. They're not playing.
I've been going to the market once every week or two. I could order things to be delivered but the wait is super long, plus now that it's the only way to go out I want to be able to walk and get air. I'll post some pictures here from my outings in the next few days, as well as showing y'all what I'm up to in the kitchen (Quarantine Kitchen, challahhhhh!) over here. Because with great times come great recipes!
Last week, children were allowed for the first time since lockdown started. I hear it was nice... for them. It was interesting, the news was flooded with pictures of people standing in groups, no one social distancing, and kids playing soccer, wrestling, all kinds of shit. I
must note that the kids I saw in the center were alone with their parents, playing one at a time, and minding their own business. I'm in the center of Madrid and there are (usually) tons of people, so I honestly expected to see
more kids playing outside.
Tomorrow will be
my first day out since quarantine began. The government has started the de-escalation phases for ending the quarantine. So entering Phase 0, adults without children will (finally) be allowed out for a walk, or for exercise. It's supposed to be highly regulated, though. There are rules, and time slots: I can go out from 6am - 10am
OR 8pm - 11pm. We will have an hour though I'm sure people will find a reason to get around that one. I'm just relieved that I can actually walk around without fear of being stopped... okay, well as much fear as I had of being stopped
before the quarantine. But with these freedoms, I have several thoughts, hopes, and feelings. I mostly hope that people will actually follow the rules, stay the fuck away from each other (especially me), and just do what we need to do to help make this virus spread less, and to help us get back to normal... whatever normal is now. I hope that the curve continues to flatten, and things feel less and less dangerous as time goes by. I hope that someday soon, I can hug my damn friends again.
I'll most likely spend Saturday sleeping. I'm not sure how safe I'll feel walking around from 8-11pm... Few people may be on the streets, and I'm sure the criminals are dying for some practice. But I'll be out, and I'll be walking.
Hey, I got to stunt on you heauxs somehow... |
So when you see the woman with the 'farm animals' mask:
wave. Just wave. Stay away from me. Enjoy your walks, runs, and bikes tomorrow, and in the words of the great Negro poet RuPaul Andre Charles: "Good luck, and
don't fuck it up."